Choosing a Price for Your Program
If someone doesn't need a program, the fact that you may have grossly underpriced it is not going to induce them to buy.
Users don't care if you "really need the money" or if you spent 10,000 hours on the program. They care...
How Important is a Copyright Notice
by Nelson Ford
Your copyright notice should look something like this:
How to Make Your Website Visitors Actually Read Your Copy and Care
by Jiri Novotny, Dextronet
According to Harvard research, there are four main learning styles. The learning styles are: Why, What, How, and What-If....
The people with the “what” learning style are looking for the hard facts. They want to know all...
How to Name an App, a Program, a Company, or a Service
by Jerry Stern, Editor, ASPects
Trademarks, Language Issues, and Making your Product Searchable
OK, it’s pretty obvious, right? Name your program, memorably, so that people will have an idea of what it does, but with a name that you can use. Right? W...
If No Independent Developers Are 100 Times Smarter Than You, Then Why Do Some Get 100 Times the Results?
by Steve Pavlina, CEO, Dexterity Software
Several months ago I decided to conduct an informal but lengthy study of successful software businesses. The primary question I asked was this: Why are some software developers more successful than others? I...
Who Owns The Code?
by Chris Shiplett, Attorney, Erik M. Pelton & Associates
Re-usable code is a key component of any developer's toolkit, and creating and owning re-usable code is a critical step in the process of creating a profitable software development business....